Is Teaching Your Puppy To Use a Puppy Training Pad worth it?
Our Potty Pads Are:
  • Easy to clean!
  • Helps Your Pet!
  • Saves You Money!
  • Plus when you purchase them your helping the Environment!
             Why buy Puppy Pee Pads Anywhere Else?
Puppy Training Pads Right for Me?

There are several question you need to ask yourself before you decide if using dog pee pads to train your puppy for the long term is the best decision. It might not be, but there are several good reasons why you should consider it.
  • Is your dog a large breed or small breed?
  • Could it be difficult to take your dog out to go potty every time it needs to go due to weather or because you live in a apartment or don't have a back yard?
  • Do you like patches of dead grass on your lawn?
  • Do you like to pick up dog poop that is scaderd all over your back yard?

When your dog is full grown will it be a little dog, medium or large size dog?

The size of your dog
is something to consider when deciding if you will using potty pads long term or short term. Maybe you'll only use them until your dog is bigger, had all it's shots and can safely go outside.

Many owners of small breeds like Yorkies or Shih-Tzu type breeds
use puppy pee pads indoors long term. They find it much more convenient and because smaller doggies produce smaller messes is makes cleaning up a breeze. 

Small breed have smaller bladders and can not hold it as long as large breeds, so they need to go more often. Training a small breed dog how to only use a dog pad inside might be the best permanent solution.

These pads also work great as a long term solution if your Dog is a medium size like a beagle. Now if you have a large dog (unless it is senior with incontinence problems) going out side might be the best bet.

If it's snows or rains a lot where you live or you live in an apartment or  don't have a back yard, Puppy Pad Training is an excellent choice!

Some dogs hate going out in the rain not to mention the mess they can track back in after their  done.  If you live on the 10 fl of an apartment building taking your dog down stairs multiple times a day can become very time consuming. Plus you'll have a big mess on your hands if your dog goes potty in the elevator because you waited till the last minute to take him out. Training your puppy to use a Pee pads is the best option in this situation too.
If you are blessed enough to have a nice lawn I am sure you take great care of it and would hate to see spots from dog urine all over your grass.
Dog Urine unfortunately has a lot of .... and that causes the grass to turn yellow. To be fair there is a solution to that problem but it's not necessarily practical. As soon as your dog urinates a particular spot you need to be right there with  hose in hand so you can immediately water the area down neutralizing the urine.

Now that might work for a couple days but most people don't have time to always go out with their dog 5 or 6 times a day. They want to be able to open the door let the dog out, to go to bathroom, without having to worry about it. 

These Dog pads can be a good alternative to the chore of hunting down dog poop all over your yard. Use these pee pads to designate a special place, like a corner of the patio, as a "potty area" and teach your puppy to go potty there. That way it's all is in one place on the Dog pad, it is easy to clean up and you don't have to hunt the whole yard looking for it or better yet you wont unexpectedly step in it.

Many people decide to use Dog pads for the short term until their puppy has all it's shots and is big enough to go outside. I think it is excellent as a long terms solution too. In addition because our washable puppy training pads are so economical you will not spend lots of money for the added convenience.

I hope this article has informed you about the benefits of using a puppy training pad for the long term.

Please click this link to see our great prices.
Consider the size.
Consider where you live.
Consider your Lawn.
Consider the Joy of Hunting Down Dog Poop.

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