Housebreaking Problems
Possible Housebreaking problems:
Yes, you might run into some roadblocks but you need to stay focused and not give up, like I said before your puppies success depend on you!So you gone through my steps for potty training your puppy on commands and your puppy did not go potty when you took it over to the potty area?(Please visit my article on Potty Training Step by Step if you would like more information.)
You must only give your puppy 5 or 10 min max, if not he will more than likely take longer to go next time. If your puppy does not go potty you must take him back to the crate wait 15 min and take him back over the potty area. By putting him back in crate you are helping your puppy develop an inner schedule of:
- Crate Time
- Potty Time
- then Play Time!
Puppy does not go when I take him outside.Possible solution - If putting your puppy back in the crate and waiting a few minutes still does not work sometimes, the puppies actually need to be stimulated like their mother used to when they were with their litter mates. To help with the digesting and pooping mommy doggies lick their babies bellies and message their backs with her tongue.
NO! I am not asking you to lick or message your puppy with your mouth...lol
But what sometimes works is to take your puppy off to one side, 3 or 4 steps away from the potty area, gently play with your puppy for a few minutes by messaging it's belly and back from top to bottom. When your done walk your puppy back over to the puppy area and give the potty command again. Hopefully that did the trick but if for some reason it didn't you MUST not let your puppy loose, your puppy MUST go back into it's crate and you need to try again in a few minutes.One other possible solution - lets say you have set up your puppy potty area near the back door which is very close to the kitchen, if your SUPER vigilant and don't get easily distracted you my leash your puppy to your waist and walk around the kitchen cleaning up or soemthing like that.
But you must, at all times with out missing a beat, keep a very close eye on your puppy looking for any signs of the "puppy potty dance" intense sniffing, walking in circle etc. But honestly this is usually not a good idea because us humans are easily distract by our phones etc and any accident YOU let your puppy make can set you way way back in the housebreaking process.STICKING TO THE RULES, BEING CONSISTENT and BEING SUPER PATIENT A MUST!
Puppies can be little stinkers sometimes.
"Potty Training time does not mean flower smelling time "
This is all part of the learning curve. We need to help your puppy stay focused. Your puppy needs to learn he is rewarded with playtime after he has followed your rules of going potty first. Potty breaks will be much less time consuming if your puppy associates getting out of his crate with going potty and not playing.