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What is Dog Incontinence?


Many people don’t know what dog incontinence means. Dog incontinence is defined as the involuntary passing of urine. In other words, a normally housetrained dog will lose control of its bladder. The problem can range in severity from a small amount of leakage to a complete unintentional voiding of the bladder. This leakage can often occur while the dog is sleeping. It is important to know that incontinence is very different from submissive urination, which occurs in many dogs to some degree.
Symptoms of incontinence range from a few dribble spots of urine around the house to a soaked dog bed in the morning. Skin irritation is a also common side effect of urinary leakage because as the urine sits on the skin it becomes inflamed and red. If your dog experiences episodes of incontinence it is best to seek veterinary care. There are several diseases which can cause involuntary bladder leakage and your veterinarian will get to the underlying cause.
Both male and female dog incontinence can occur but it usually affects middle aged or senior dogs. If your young dog has symptoms of dog urinary incontinence
it is usually due to a birth defect such as ectopic ureter. This is when one or both of the ureters by-pass the bladder and connect to an abnormal location, causing the puppy to drip urine. However, the most common reason for incontinence in dogs not matter their age is a urinary tract infection (UTI). If left untreated more serious kidney or bladder infections can result, so it is important to have UTIs treated as soon as symptoms are noted.
UTIs and blockages are one of the first things that your veterinarian will want to rule out. The age of the dog and whether your female dog is spayed or not can increase the incidence of incontinence. Bladder infections will cause the dog to have strong urge to urinate and may cause them to urinate often and sometimes in unusual locations. If the bladder infection has gone undetected it can damage the bladder preventing it from stretching, therefore making it hard to hold urine which results in leakage.
Blockage of the urethra by a kidney stone or some other obstruction can also result in incontinence. As the bladder becomes full some urine may leak around the obstruction. This situation is very serious and if not addressed immediately can claim the life of your dog. Your dog must receive immediate veterinary care.
UTIs, kidney and bladder infections, and urethral obstructions are among the first things your veterinarian will want to rule out. If these prove not to be the cause, some other reasons that dogs experience incontinence are:
- Certain medications
- Weak bladder sphincter (mostly affects female dogs)
- Spinal degeneration of injury
- Diabetes (can cause the dog to drink large amounts of water)
- Hormone responsive incontinence (mostly affects spayed female dogs)
- Kidney diseases
- Prostrate disorder
- Congenital abnormalities
Whatever the reason, your dog needs veterinary care as soon as possible. Let a professional make the diagnosis and treat the problem. In some cases surgery is required and in others a simple course of medication will solve the problem. If treated early your pet has a better chance of a quick recovery.
What are symptoms of dog incontinence ?
Is Female Dog Incontinence Common?
Causes of Urinary Incontinence in Dogs.